JAKARTA - The President Director of the Friendship Center General Hospital, Agus Dwi Susanto, asked the government to raise the level of community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta. Currently, Jakarta is still implementing Level 2 PPKM.
Agus' request was made when the number of beds for COVID-19 treatment at the Friendship Hospital was running low. COVID-19 beds there have been used 84.61 percent.
"Of course the level of the PPKM must be increased according to the zone of each region. If DKI now feels red, of course the PPKM level must be adjusted so that prevention can be maximized," Agus said in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, February 2.
According to him, tightening restrictions on community activities is an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from increasing at the community level.
"From the aspect of policy makers, in this case, it could be the regional and central governments, and this has been done through the national committee through the level of the PPKM," he said.
Agus explained that currently the bed occupancy ratio (BOR) which is at 84.61 percent at Persahabatan Hospital has passed the safe limit of BOR set at 65 percent.
"As of 6 am today, there are 55 COVID-19 patients from the capacity of 65 beds that we have prepared. The movement is quite volatile. So, there could be more this afternoon," he said.
Agus said the Friendship Hospital was planning to increase the capacity of COVID-19 beds if the number of patients continued to grow. In addition, additional health workers are also prepared.
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