
JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin is now in the spotlight. The statement in the working meeting at Commission III of the DPR was about the corruption of under IDR 50 million, which the Attorney General's Office wants to resolve quickly through refunds of state money.

The Attorney General chose the suspect to return the state's financial losses.

This effort is carried out as a form of implementing the legal process quickly, simply, and at a low cost.

"Criminal acts of corruption with state financial losses of less than IDR 50 million will be resolved by way of refunding state financial losses," said Burhanuddin, Thursday, January 27.

The Attorney General's statement was responded to by anti-corruption activists, of course, including the KPK. KP said that regardless of the value of the corrupted state money, it must be handled by law enforcement officials. In fact, if the loss to the state does not reach IDR 50 million.

"Our country is a legal state whose formation is the DPR and the government. As long as this is not regulated in the law, we as law enforcers cannot be creative in allowing corruption below IDR 50 million," said KPK Deputy Chair, Nurul Ghufron, to reporters in a written statement, Friday, 28 January.

Ghufron understands that the legal process must consider the budget and benefits, especially for corruption cases with small state losses. He also agreed that the cost of investigating a corruption case from investigation to court including appeals and cassation could be more than IDR 50 million.

"The legal aspect is not only about state losses but also deterrence aspects and as a statement of contempt for disgraceful behavior that does not see the amount of loss," he stressed.

IDR 100 thousand Charity Box Thief Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison

What was conveyed by the Attorney General regarding the fast and low-cost handling of cases in corruption cases is certainly in contrast to what happened in Medan, North Sumatra.

The panel of judges at the Medan District Court sentenced Muhammad Farid Fadillah to 2 years in prison. He was proven guilty in the case of theft of the Jami Mosque charity box, in Medan City, amounting to IDR 100,000.

In his decision, the judge stated that Farid was proven to have violated Article 363 paragraph (1) of the 4th Criminal Code.

The judge considered that the defendant's actions were very disturbing to the community. As for mitigating things, Farid admits and regrets his actions.

Sentenced the defendant Muhammad Farid Fadillah to a prison sentence of 2 years," said the panel of judges chaired by Dominggus Silaban in a trial held Tuesday, January 25.

The judge's verdict was lighter than the demands of the public prosecutor (JPU), which demanded the defendant to be in prison for 3 years. On this decision, the defendant and the public prosecutor expressed their thoughts.

This theft case occurred on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 03.30 WIB. At that time the defendant and his friend, Fauzan Raditya Ritonga (separate prosecution), walked around Jalan Sentosa Lama and went to the Jami Mosque.

There, Fauzan asked the defendant to wait around the mosque. Then Fauzan went inside, took money from the mosque's Infaq contact.

After launching his action, Fauzan met the defendant and then went to an internet cafe. On the way, Fauzan shared the stolen goods with the defendant.

It turned out that their actions were caught by the residents. When the two of them were playing on the internet, suddenly people came to arrest them.

They were then taken to the Medan Timur Police. From the results of the examination, it turned out that the total money they took was IDR 100 thousand.

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