Officers Express How 12 Prostitutes From Vietnam Enter Indonesia So As Not To Be Suspected
JAKARTA - Director of Immigration Supervision and Enforcement (Dirwasdakim), Yuldi Yusman revealed, 12 female Commercial Sex Workers (PSK) from Vietnam who he arrested, entered Indonesia not together.
Using a visit visa, these prostitutes enter Indonesia one by one so they are not suspected.
"The entry is itself. So it's not as a group. So it's like a vacation in Indonesia," Yuldi told reporters at the Office of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Immigration, Setibudi, South Jakarta (Jaksel), Friday, December 13.
Therefore, his party will coordinate with the police to find a coordinator or organizer of the karaoke venue for the prostitutes.
As is known, these 12 women from Vietnam were involved in prostitution, under the guise of Lady Companion (LC), a karaoke place. The fare of this woman from Vietnam reaches Rp. 5.6 million for one date.
"So who is the coordinator, who is the organizer, we are still investigating," he said.