Tricks To Improve Skin Conditions By Consuming The Following 6 Foods

YOGYAKARTA Keeping the skin charming, not just wearing skincare. Overcoming skin problems by eating certain foods that contain good nutrients, also helps a lot. According to dermatologist consultants and nutritionist, doctor Thivi Maruthappu, diet is closely related to skin health. This is a holistic approach, which utilizes mind, skin care, personalized medical care, and of course a specific recipe for food to deal with skin problems.

Maruthappu reported by Vogue, Monday, November 27, said that skin health is a job from within and outside. He added, if we want to feel and perform well, it is important not to ignore the effects of stress and diet. The reason is, a nutritious and balanced diet is the basis for skin health. More specifically, here are foods that can help overcome skin conditions.

Many studies support the relationship between gut health and eczema. For this reason, Maruthappu recommends patients suffering from eczema to increase the gut microbiome. For example by consuming phosphorus or yogurt so that digestive health runs smoothly.

Walnuts contain omega-3 from plant. The rate of the substance is classified as high in walnuts. So it has an anti-inflammatory effect that for people with rosacea helps overcome the symptoms of dry skin.

The fruit whose skin is also processed into herbal medicine is rich in antioxidants. The antioxidant in mangosteen fruit meat is called xanthone, which helps prevent skin damage due to free radicals and reduces the production of ADGEs (Advanced Glycation End products). The more AGES production, the collagen becomes stiff and sagging skin.

Tomatoes are the highest natural lycopene source, antioxidants, and help overcome solar damage. Research shows that increasing lycopene intake can reduce the intensity of sun shocks. But you should still use a quality SPF.

Women experience hormonal acne from the time they are in Puber to menopause. Although at times of menopause it is also possible to experience acne triggered by changes in hormonal conditions. In PMS conditions, for example, sweet foods are snacks that are often coveted. However, it should be understood, increasing blood sugar can also cause acne to cause acne. So one of the ways to deal with this is to include cinnamon because this aromatic spice helps manage spikes in blood sugar.

Jus cerium contains melatonin, which is the sleep hormone that the body releases. Drinking cerry juice before bed can help you sleep longer and easier.

Those are the six foods that improve skin conditions. In addition to the food above, are there foods that you often consume and are beneficial for the skin?