Police Will Check SYL Again After Determining Firli Bahuri Suspect Of Extortion

Polda Metro Jaya will again examine former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo as a witness after the appointment of Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri as a suspect in the alleged extortion case. The plan is for the examination to be carried out next week.

"That's right (Syahrul Yasin Limpo will be examined again)," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak when confirmed, Saturday, November 25.

However, it is not known exactly what day the former Minister of Agriculture will be questioned.

It was only conveyed that Syahrul Yasin Limpo was not the only one to be questioned next week. However, all witnesses and experts who have previously been examined will be accompanied by their statements again starting November 27.

Including, four KPK leaders namely Alexander Marwata, Johanis Tanak, Nawawi Pomolango, and Nurul Ghufron.

"Starting on November 27, 2023, Monday, the entire series of follow-up investigation activities related to requests for information both to witnesses and experts have been carried out for the next week," said Ade.

In the case of alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities, Firli Bahuri was officially named a suspect based on the results of the case title conducted on Wednesday, November 22.

Several pieces of evidence that became the basis for determining the suspect, namely, foreign exchange documents worth Rp7.4 billion. Then, there were also the results of the extraction of 21 cellphones.

Firli was charged with Article 12e, 12B or Article 11 of Law number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code. Thus, it is threatened with life imprisonment.

The latest development, investigators have written to the Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding requests for issuance of prevention abroad for Firli Bahuri.