KKP Minister Edhy Prabowo Arrested By KPK In Today's Memory, November 25, 2020

JAKARTA Memori hari ini, tiga tahun yang lalu, 25 November 2020, Menteri Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP), Edhy Prabowo terjaring Opera Tangkap Tangan (OTT) Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). Penangkapan Edhy terkait dengan kasus korupsi seputarkan izin ekspor beneng lobster atau benur.

Previously, the KKP had refused to perpetuate the export of fry in the era of the Susi Pudjiastuti government. The export is believed to only bring harm, rather than benefits. Another country can profit, Indonesia is dead. However, Edhy prabowo didn't care.

Susi Pudjiastuti's leadership as Minister of the KKP invites praise. He is considered a leader of high courage. Susi was able to stem all kinds of foreign ships that wanted to produce Indonesia's marine wealth.

Anyone who violates will receive harsh rewards. The ship will be drowned. Susi perpetuated everything so that all Indonesian people prosper. The fishermen, let alone. The condition was also tied up by other policies.

Susi firmly prohibits exports of fry from going abroad. Susi considered the ban to be of many harm, rather than benefits. The regulation is wrapped in the presence of the Ministerial Regulation (Permen) of the KKP Number 56 of 2016.

In fact, Susi's policies did not last long. The phrase 'changed leadership', changing the system' changed everything. Edhy Prabowo, who replaced Susi as Minister of KKP from 2019, became the estuary. Edhy has a different mindset from Susi.

He wants to legalize the export of fry abroad, while the Susi era chooses to sell adult lobsters. Not fry. Edhy also insisted. He considers fry exports to be an accurate step to improve the lives of fishermen. Alias, many fishermen can live a prosperous life.

Susi era of the export ban on fry was lifted. Edhy freely opened the export gates of fry to various countries. From Vietnam to China. Criticism also emerged from everywhere.

Selling seeds is clearly a short-term solution. As an adult, after one and a half to two years, a lobster is valued at more than Rp. 400 thousand. Instead of releasing seeds abroad, Minister Edhy can encourage lobster fatting. Thus, catching fry again earns income and cultivators no longer need for cats, such as during the time of Minister Susi.

The government can also help cultivate lobsters by encouraging research to produce feed to replace anchovy rucah fish whose production is seasonal. Given that 99.5 percent of the world's lobster production relies on catching, the KKP must concentrate on regulation in the high seas. Old rules can be modified as long as the spirit is the same, namely protecting nutfah plasma and fishermen's interests," wrote Tempo Magazine's report entitled Don't Sell Benur abroad (2020).

All Indonesians regret Edhy's decision to perpetuate the export of fry. There is also the potential for corruption in granting export permits so large. The KPK took part. The anti-rasuah institution pays serious attention to granting export licenses for fry.

The results were brilliant. The KPK was able to perpetuate OTT to Edhy Prabowo at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten, on November 25, 2020. At that time Edhy and his entourage had just returned from a visit to the United States (US). Edhy was also seen spending gratuities related to the export license of fry with a series of luxury goods in the US.

"This is an accident, I will be responsible for the afterlife. I apologize to the entire community, especially the fisheries community who may be betrayed a lot."

"I also apologize to my party's extended family (Gerindra) and I will resign as deputy chairman of the party. I will also ask not to be a minister anymore, and I think the process is already underway. I will face this with a big soul," said Edhy at the KPK building as quoted by the BBC website, November 26, 2020.