Tough Wiraja Gaet Tynergy Technology, Indonesian Nickel Industry Can Absorb Many Workers

JAKARTA - PT Wiraja Tangguh and Tynergy Technology Group are officially working together to support the independence of the silica sand and nickel industry in Indonesia. The memorandum of understanding between the two was signed in Washington DC, United States, November 13, 2023.

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding was held in Washington DC and is one of a series of events for President Joko Widodo's working visit to President Joseph R. Biden at the White House. During the inauguration of this collaboration, several officials of the Republic of Indonesia such as Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin and Indonesian Ambassador to America Rosan Roeslani.

PT Wiraja Tangguh and Tynergy will work on the Batam Wiaraja and Galang Bumi projects related to downstreaming silica and nickel sands to support the independence of photovalic and semiconductor industries.

The Indonesian government is very supportive and encourages downstreaming of silica and nickel commodities that have great potential to be developed as raw materials for the photovaltic (PV) and semiconductor industries so that they can produce large foreign exchange and job creators.

"Investment from the United States will be good for supporting downstreaming in Indonesia. The government's role in realizing this is very large," said Director of Tynergy, Kadafi Yahya quoting a written statement.

"With the entry of investment, state revenue will increase from the energy industry sector. In addition, large jobs will be created through this cooperation," he added.

In addition to the Tynergy Technology Group, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was also carried out by other American companies, namely Becton Dickinson with PT Bio Farma, Exxon Mobil with Pertamina, Freeport with MIND ID, Bell Textron with PT Dirgantara Indonesia and Stanford Doerr School with IKN and Pertamina Authoritys.