Jampidum Stops 3 Case Prosecutions At The Central Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office

PALANGKA RAYA - Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (Jampidum) of the Attorney General's Office through the Director of Crimes Against People and Property (Oharda) Nanang Ibrahim Soleh stopped three criminal prosecutions in the jurisdiction of the Central Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kalteng) based on Restorative Justice.Head of the Legal Information Section (Kasi Penkum) of the Central Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office, Dodik Mahendra, said that the termination of prosecution of the case was based on restorative justice."The three criminal cases that were terminated came from the West Kotawaringin District Attorney (Kejari), Pulang Pisau and Palangka Raya City. Furthermore, the approval of termination of prosecution was based on restorative justice with several considerations," said Dodik Mahendra in a statement received in Palangka Raya, Antara, Friday, November 24.The consideration that the case can be stopped is that the suspects have committed a criminal act for the first time. Then the threat of a fine or imprisonment is no more than five years and there is peace between the victim and the suspect.Furthermore, the criminal case from the Kobar Kejari suspect with the initials TGW, where the person concerned is suspected of violating Article 362 of the Criminal Code or Second Article 372 of the Criminal Code.From the Kejari Pulang Pisau the suspect with the initials A violated Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and the last one from the Palangka Raya Kejari the suspect with the initials DRH violated Article 44 paragraph (1) and paragraph (4) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence and or Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code."In the virtually exposed activities, the Director of Crimes was also present towards People and Prices of Benda (Oharda), Head of the Central Kalimantan Attorney General's Office Law on Mugopal, Deputy Head of Central Kalimantan M Sunarto, Aspidum, Kajari Kobar, Pulang Pisau and Kajari Palangka Raya," he explained.
For the three terminations of prosecution of the case, Jampidum through Director Oharda expressed his appreciation because it has become an active facilitator so that the process of stopping prosecution is based on Restorative Justice.Director Oharda ordered the three Kajaris to immediately issue SKP2 and report it to Jampidum and Kajati Kalteng.