MBMI Targets 500 Participants Of Pabbajja Samanera Borobudur Temple

The Indonesian Mahanikayaya Buddhist Council (MBMI) on 16-28 December 2023 will hold the Pabbajja Samanera Candi Borobudur activity with a target of 500 participants.

"This activity is a temporary training for Bhikkhu candidates by carrying out 75 precepts (vinaya) of Buddhist teachings," said Chairman of the 2023 Pabbajja Samanera Committee Borobudur Fatmawati.

This activity was held in the area of the Great Borobudur Temple. As for 2023, PAbbajja is equal and will be followed by participants from Indonesia and other countries. Last year a similar event was attended by participants from Thailand, Russia, Belgium, and Australia.

The purpose of holding the 2023 Pabbajja Samangera Candi of Borobudur, he said, was to promote, maintain and preserve Agung Borobudur Temple and help the government promote Borobudur Temple as one of the super priority tourism destinations (DPSP) to foreign countries so that in the end it can help the surrounding community to improve their economy.

"The cost of participating in the Pabbajja Samangera Borobudur 2023 activity is completely free, we don't charge any fees, the important thing is that participants meet the requirements and conditions such as a minimum age of 12 years, are in good health and willing to participate in the entire series of programs that have been prepared," said MBMI General Chair Agus Jaya.

To note, during the 13 days of the implementation of the 2023 Pabbajja Samanera Borobudur, there were various series of activities such as hair cutting ceremonies on December 17, 2023, the predaksina of Borobudur Temple on December 19, 2023.

Then the ceremony for the tahhiran pabbajja Samanera on December 19, 2023, Pinindanta on December 20, 2023, Candle Light, Sangha Dana and Lampion Aviation on December 23, 2023, as well as the Thudong and Tabur Bunga procession on December 27, 2023.

The general public can participate in releasing the lanterns by donating a lantern ticket of IDR 300,000 per person.

According to him, the Pabbajja Samamnera program is an internal character formation training for Buddhists, which is useful for advancing morals and spirituality.

"Hopefully in the future, after participating in this activity, the participants will be able to provide inspiration and moral example and other positive contributions, for families, the community environment, Indonesia and improve the moral quality of Buddhists in Indonesia," he said.