Causes Of Body Car Keropos And How To Prevent It

YOGYAKARTA There are many causes of porous car bodies that need to be known. By knowing the cause of the loss in the car's body, you can take precautions from the start.

The condition of the car's body is porous not only disturbing the car's aesthetics but also having an impact on safety risks, especially if the roughness occurs at important points.

There are many things that trigger the body of a car made of iron to experience roughness, even cavities. The reason can be due to natural factors and human negligence. The cause of the loss is as follows.

Rain can turn out to be a contributor to the condition of the car's body. The weather can even damage the body of a car that uses high quality iron. Usually this condition can be caused by rain that contains acid. The solution to avoid roughness in the car because of acid rain is to wash the car diligently.

Sea water containing salt is actually able to damage the body of the car. Usually the car used in coastal areas will be easily porous. This happens because seawater will invite carat. Not only in the body, but seawater will also damage other components of the car made of iron. The solution is to wash the car as often as possible.

Don't underestimate the food that spills in the car. The reason is, some ingredients are able to trigger carat on the car's body until it is paralyzed. As a result, the car will rot. Food ingredients that trigger carat to roughness are vinegar.

Chemicals can also cause the body of an iron car to become porous. An example of the chemical that makes the car's body porous is bleach. The use of bleach on the car is rarely done. However, it is possible that the substance is spilled or accidentally splashed into the car's body.

Mistreatment also triggers roughness on the car's body, especially if the treatment involves chemicals or certain treatments that make the car's body eroded. Try to hand over the car's body care to an expert.

Age factors can also have an impact on the body's resistance of the car. The older the material age, the more prone to car roughness. Usually this condition occurs in cars with an age of tens of years.

It is natural to porous the car's body. Iron is naturally exposed. However, the loss on the car's body can still be prevented in the following way.

Keropos can occur in new cars. This was triggered by natural factors or human carelessness. So that the car's body does not easily become porous, try to wash the car regularly, especially if the car is in the beach area or has just been showered with acid rain. Use clean water and special car soap. In addition, do car body maintenance during the rainy season so that the body remains durable.

Usually plastic coating is used in areas under certain cars or areas to protect bodies from carat. Plastic coating serves to provide protection on iron, either protection from scratches or staining substances.

If the vehicle owner encounters roughness on the car's body, it would be nice to immediately make repairs and other prevention so that roughness does not spread. This handling can be done to a body repair shop or another specialist workshop.

That's information regarding why the car's body is porous. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.