Ossa Sungkar Claims To Be Threatened By Edo Widiz Before Leaving Voodoo

JAKARTA - Ossa Sungkar, a former Voodoo drummer, revealed the reason she left the band in 2013.

What Ossa Sungkar stated was a response to Edo Widiz's statement when he was a guest on Ferdy ELEMENT's YouTube channel some time ago.

Ossa felt that Edo's confession that the separation occurred due to differences of opinion regarding the studio's choice was not true.

Atenk (bassis) used to be (which left Voodoo) in 2013, a week before I resigned. Atenk also had a conflict with Edo at that time. Not for different reasons of the studio," said Ossa Sungkar, launching Ophie Danzo's YouTube channel, Wednesday, November 22.

Ossa said that he left Voodoo due to a dispute with Edo Widiz. At that time, he questioned the recording results which were suddenly mixed in Kalimantan. The drummer was dissatisfied with the mixed results recommended by Edo.

"At that time there was a difference of opinion about the results of the mixing. I wanted good results. And it was mixed in Kalimantan. The results were sent to me via email, and I listened to this, I didn't agree," said Ossa Sungkar.

"I'm just complaining, this mixing result is not good. And my complaints are answered with insults, all the zoos come out," he continued.

Furthermore, Ossa admitted that Edo Widiz had stated verbal threats. According to him, the guitarist threatened to kill him.

"Even I was threatened. I was threatened by Edo, I would be killed by the subordinates of the former ruler of the New Order. 'Lu I killed, I could order the builders to beat former New Order officials, to be kidnapped and killed'," said Ossa.

"What did I think was wrong?" he added.

Then, Ossa said, there was one other said by Edo Widiz which made him strengthen his determination to really get out of Voodoo.

"Then he issued a sentence that decided I would finally resign," he said, 'If you don't like the results of the mixing, just come out,' concluded Ossa Sungkar.