Arrival Of The 10th Fleet, Pelita Air Ready To Open New Routes And Add Flights In The Nataru Period

The arrival of the 10th Airbus A320 aircraft in its fleet.

In line with the addition of this fleet, Pelita Air will open new routes and also increase flight frequency during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year (Nataru) holidays.

President Director of Pelita Air Dendy Kurniawan said the arrival of the latest aircraft with PK-PWL registration reflects the company's commitment to continuously improve flight services and experience for loyal customers, as well as to show the confidence of aircraft manufacturers and lessors in Pelita Air's business growth.

"This 10th plane and followed by the 11th aircraft in the second week of December 2023 will soon be integrated into our flight network to help Pelita Air improve services to the community for the Christmas and New Year holiday season," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, November 21.

With the addition of the two new fleets, continued Dendy, Pelita Air will also increase the frequency of flights on existing routes and also open new flight routes.

"With these two additional aircraft, Pelita Air will open new routes and increase flight frequency on the routes we have served so that the total additional capacity to be provided increases by more than 20 percent," he continued.

Dendy said the public's high interest accompanied the development of Pelita Air through the achievement of the Seat Load Factor in the third quarter of 83.2 percent and 87.1 percent in October 2023.

Until now, the Seat Load Factor on Month to Date (MTD) in November 2023 has reached 88.7 percent.

This achievement is the result of the hard work and dedication of the entire Pelita Air team as well as the extraordinary support from our customers. The arrival of this 10th aircraft and solid growth throughout 2023 show that Pelita Air continues to be committed to providing better and more innovative services for our loyal customers," he said.

With the arrival of the 10th aircraft and solid growth, Pelita Air is optimistic that she will continue her role as one of the catalysts in the Indonesian aviation industry and will continue to strive to provide the best service for the community.