Secretary Abdul Mu'ti Affirms Muhammadiyah Is Neutral In The 2024 Presidential Election

PONOROGO - General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Abdul Mu'ti emphasized that his organization will remain neutral but active in the 2024 Presidential General Election.

"Please (members) elect the president according to their respective wishes and aspirations. But, what is clear, PP Muhammadiyah remains neutral and active," Abdul Mu'ti told reporters on the sidelines of his visit to Ponorogo Regency as reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 20.

This commitment, he continued, was an organizational attitude. Muhammadiyah is only oriented towards religious movements, Islamic symbols and will not enter the realm of politics.

Therefore, Muhammadiyah also did not provide any recommendations regarding the pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 General Election.

"But, Muhammadiyah also does not prevent individual Muhammadiyah citizens from making their respective choices. Please choose the president according to his conscience. What is clear is that Muhammadiyah will remain neutral and active," he said.

Abdul Mu'ti also stated that PP Muhammadiyah did not provide recommendations to cadres to join the success team of certain presidential and vice-presidential candidates. For members who want to be part of the success team, they are allowed, but must be on leave during this tenure.

"If you enter the team first, you have to leave from the union or business charity, later when it is finished you can return to the union," he said.

He ensured that Muhammadiyah residents could be active in the general election, both as voters and as members of the successful team.

This neutrality is explained as an active attitude in the context of elections, but still respects the individual decisions of each member.

"PP Muhammadiyah is 100 percent neutral, but we also respect and respect the rights of individual Muhammadiyah cadres," he said.