Naturally, Here Are 7 Ways To Overcome Tired Eyes And Look Kuyu
YOGYAKARTA Eyes look cool, one of which is because you are tired. Among them is because you do not get quality sleep last night or need to rest your eyes and take care of your eyes in a simple way in the middle of your busy work. How to overcome tired eyes and look cool, follow the following steps.
According to the doctor's advice, compressing the eyelids with a warm cloth can relieve the tired eye. To do this, prepare a wash and dip in the steam nails. Before doing this step, wash your hands first so that the bacteria do not enter the eyes. Then stick the warm waslap for 5-10 minutes.
Apparently, when doing different tasks it requires a different level of lighting. When watching TV, it is easier for the eyes to work when the light of the room remains bright. For reading activities, place the lights behind you and direct the location of the book away from your eyes. Different when looking at a digital screen, both a device and a laptop, adjust the room light level and make sure the eyes are not too tense when you see it.
Apart from adjusting the light, you can wear computer glasses. Which has a special lens that prevents the eyes from getting tired. Plus, distance settings are also important. Make sure the screen is about 50-66 centimeters apart. Also make it a habit to follow the 20-20-20 rule, which is to rest 20 seconds every time you look at a distance of 20 feet for once every 20 minutes. This is a recommendation when you are outdoor. If you are indoors, give yourself 2 hours of rest every 15 minutes.
When the eyes dry, you will easily get tired. Then use the room moisturizer to increase the humidity of the room. In addition, adjust to your theme and stay away from ventilation so that dry air does not stab into the face. If you smoke, think carefully to stop.
Eyes have muscles that will also be useful if trained. Launching WebMD, Monday, November 20, try practicing your eyes with simple steps. First, hold a few inches finger from your eyes and focus on looking at the finger. Second, focus on objects in the distance and then look back at your fingers near your eyes. Repeat this exercise several times. It can also be done by moving your eyes up, down, right, and left. Both exercises are scattered, it can help relieve eye fatigue.
After being brewed and enjoyed, tea bags should not be thrown away. Because cold tea bags can help calm the eyes when used to compress. Either ordinary tea or chamomile tea, place the bag in the refrigerator. Once cold, attach it to the eyelids to help calm the eyes and reduce swelling.
Mata experts suggest thetip method as eye therapy. This technique is taken from the name of an ophthalmologist, William status. Research shows that this method does not improve vision but palms can help relieve eye fatigue. The trick, place your palms on your eyes closed. Avoid applying pressure, just attached or attached. This method can help relax your eyes.
This last method is done to maintain eye moisture. Another way, blink more often so that your eyes burst naturally. This needs to be done if you work with digital devices because the number of children drops to 5-7 flashes from 15 times. So when your eyes start to feel tired, blink more often.
The above is a natural way to overcome tired eyes and looks cool. Before experiencing fatigue in the sense of sight, it is also important to take good care of the eyes.