South Sumatra Prison Has More Capacity Up To 139 Percent

PALEMBANG - The number of residents of correctional institutions and state detention centers in the working area of the South Sumatra Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) until November 2023 has exceeded the capacity of the capacity.

"Although throughout 2023 there are hundreds of inmates who are free and given a reduction in detention or remission period, the number of residents of 20 prisons (prisons) and state detention centers (rutan) still exceeds the capacity or overcapacity reaches 139 percent," said Head of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Ilham Djaya in Palembang, Saturday.

He explained, based on data in November 2023, the number of correctional inmates (WBP) who inhabit prisons/rutan in South Sumatra reached 15,781 people.

This amount is far above the ideal capacity of 6,605 WBP or results in a 'overcrowding' of 139 percent.

The condition of prisons and detention centers in South Sumatra is mostly inhabited by 9,912 inmates of narcotics cases, followed by WBP of 5,648 general cases, and corruption of 221 people.

Meanwhile, the highest 'overcapacity' occurred in the Palembang Women's Prison with a percentage of 259 percent.

In reducing 'overcrowded' in prisons/remand centers, the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sumatra has implemented several strategies including optimizing the implementation of Permenkumham No. 43 of 2021 and Permenkumham No. 7 of 2022.

"Then transfer prisoners to prisons outside and inside South Sumatra," said Kakanwil Ilham.