A Total Of 16 Of 37 Monkeypox Patients In Jakarta Have Recovered
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Health Office (Dinkes) recorded that 16 of the 37 monkeypox sufferers in DKI Jakarta throughout 2023 had finished isolation or were declared cured.
"Positive cases in 2023 there are 37 people, 23 percent positivity rate polymerase chain reaction (PCR). For cases this year, 16 people have finished isolation, meaning they have recovered," said Head of the Epidemiological Surveillance and Immunization Section of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Ngabila Salama, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, November 18.
A total of 37 cases domiciled in Jakarta were reported on Friday (17/11) night. All patients are male aged 25-50 years, have mild symptoms, and are infected from sexual contact
Then, of the 37 cases of monkeypox, 21 patients are still undergoing isolation in the hospital. Then four suspected people or suspected of having monkeypox symptoms were found and 123 people showed negative results on their PCR test.
"The total number of vaccination recipients has been 100 percent, namely 495 people from the target of 495 people," said Ngabila.
Ngabila said that his party would continue to monitor the development of the monkeypox case in Jakarta and Indonesia until November 24, 2023.
The monitoring was carried out based on the prediction of the incubation of the monkeypox virus, which is twice the longest incubation period or six weeks from October 13, 2023, the first local transmission case was found in Indonesia.
Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service (Dinkes) Ani Ruspitawati said the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government was also tracking a special team with related partners.
The team is tasked with processing, searching for and monitoring parties who are in close contact with people affected by monkeypox.
Non-sexual close contacts will be monitored every day by the sub-district health center. If a symptom of monkeypox is found, a laboratory examination is carried out.