RI's Entrepreneurship Ratio Is Far From Target, Kemenkop UKM: Needs More Hard Effort

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) reports that currently Indonesia has only reached an entrepreneurship ratio of 3.47 percent.

In fact, to be categorized as a developed country in 2045, Indonesia must have an entrepreneurship ratio rate of up to 12 percent.

Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Sesmenkop UKM) Arif Rahman Hakim said that maximum efforts were needed from the government and related stakeholders to make this happen.

"Currently, the national entrepreneurship ratio has only reached 3.47 percent. This means that there is a need for hard efforts from the government and relevant stakeholders so that a minimum target of 12 percent in 2045 can be met," said Arif in Jakarta, Friday, November 17.

Arif said that innovation is an important key in increasing Indonesia's entrepreneurship ratio while increasing the capacity of MSMEs.

"Currently, entrepreneurship development focuses on innovation which is one of the keys to facing the challenges of changing world trends that are quite fast. Innovation is also needed by MSMEs to develop further to advance to class," he said.

Meanwhile, Assistant Deputy for Financing and Investment of SMEs Deputy for SMEs at the Coordinating Ministry for SMEs, Temmy Satya Permana, said that his party is also working with a start-up which is expected to become an enabler for MSMEs to develop.

This needs to be done as an effort to increase the entrepreneurship ratio in the country.

"We also have an entrepreneur hub program. We want students to graduate not only to pursue becoming ASN, but usually conflicts with capital. Banks only want to finance those that have really been tested. If those who have just started their business, it's difficult," he said.

On the other hand, continued Temmy, his party is trying to include entrepreneurial material in the education curriculum in Indonesia.

"In addition, we need to educate the public to love domestic products," he added.