Types Of Election Violations: Here Are The Explanations, Examples, And Efforts To Prevent It

YOGYAKARTA - Of course, when it comes to the type of election violation, it will not go far from these three things. Anything? Namely related to violations of the code of ethics, administrative violations and violations of election crimes.

Related to this, an effort is needed to prevent and handle violations of the election.

However, not everyone really understands the violation of the election, let alone talk about the types of violations. Therefore, this time we will discuss everything, Listen below.

This violation is a violation of the ethics of election organizers regarding promises and oaths before carrying out their mandate as election organizers. Usually this violation of the code of ethics will be handled directly by the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) and its decision in the form of a written warning sanction, temporary dismissal, permanent dismissal or permanent rehabilitation as well as rehabilitation.

The second type of violation is related to administrators who are violations of procedures, mechanisms or procedures related to the administration of the election stages.

Usually violations related to administrative will be handled by Bawaslu and its decision which is an administrative improvement related to the procedures, procedures or mechanisms in accordance with the legislation. However, written warnings are not included at certain stages in the implementation of elections or other administrative sanctions in accordance with election laws.

The last ones are election criminal offenses which are criminal acts of crime and violations related to the rules of election crimes which are as regulated in the electoral law as well as regional head election laws and deputy regional heads.

This will clearly be handled directly by Bawaslu, the Police and the Prosecutor's Office which are gathered in the integrated Law Enforcement Forum/integrated Law Enforcement Agency (Gakkumdu). The criminal case will be decided directly by the district court and this decision can be appealed to to the high court. The decision of the high court is a final and binding decision and no other legal action can be made.

How To Report Election Violations

Launching from the Bawaslu website, not only based on the findings and reports of Bawaslu, reports of election violations can also be directly reported by Indonesian citizens (WNI) who have the right to vote, election participants, as well as election monitoring to Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, Regency/City Bawaslu, District Panwaslu, Kelurahan/Village Panwaslu, LN, as well as/or TPS Supervisors.

So, how do you report election violations? Reports of election violations can be informed in writing and at least contain the names and addresses of the reporter, the reported party, time, place of the case and explanation of events. Reports of election violations are informed no later than 7 working days from the time it is known that there were allegations of election violations.

Efforts To Prevent Election Violations

The reason is, according to PerBawaslu No. 20 of 2018, prevention of violations and disputes of processes at the stages of holding elections are the joint responsibility of Bawaslu, Bawaslu Provinces, and Bawaslu Regencies/Cities and assisted by the District Panwaslu, Panwaslu Kelurahan/Villages, Panwaslu LN, and TPS Supervisors. There is also Article 4 which states its implementation as follows:

So after knowing what types of election violations are related, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!