Ganjar-Mahfud Pockets Support For Sepuh NU And Santri Ulama In Situbondo

JAKARTA - The pair of presidential and vice candidates, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, received support from the senior Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) clerics and students in Situbondo. They are considered to have anxiety regarding conditions in the country such as corruption to the decline in law enforcement.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Indonesian Kinetic Deputy for TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Luki Hermawan. He visited the elderly NU scholars in Situbondo and Probolinggo on Sunday, November 12 with the Deputy Chair of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, TGB Zainul Majdi.

Some of the elderly scholars visited at that time were the Caretaker of Ponpes Syafi'iyah Salafiyah, Kiai Haji Aza'im; Deputy Rais Aam PBNU Kiai Haji Afifudin Muhadjir; Caretaker of Darul Mubtadi'in Islamic Boarding School, Kiai Haji Faros El-Halimy; and Caretaker Nurul Jadid Kiai Haji Hamid.

"Kiai, our teachers have the same anxiety about corruption and the decline in law enforcement in this country. As we know, Pak Mahfud is a legal warrior. So the direction is indeed the signal that Pak Mahfud chose it," Luki said during a visit as quoted from his written statement, Monday, November 13.

Luki expressed his gratitude for the support given. It is certain that TPN Ganjar-Mahfud will be more enthusiastic about competing in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

Moreover, on that occasion there was a prayer given specifically by PBNU Deputy Rais Aam Kiai Haji Afifudin Muhadjir. "Sholawat, yes, his diploma (he prayed, ed)," he said.

"I think this is a big concern from a typical NU kiai who I believe brings blessings to all of us," continued Luki.

Meanwhile, Kiai Haji Afifudin said he was familiar with Mahfud MD who was Ganjar's companion in the presidential election. Apart from being both born in Sampang, Madura, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) often visits him.

"So it's very familiar and if you want to choose it's not like buying a cat in a sack," he said.

Not only the support of ulama, TPN Ganjar-Mahfud together with young campaigners also attended the declaration of hundreds of students in Situbondo. A number of youth organizations were present, such as IPNU, IPPNU, HMI, PMII, and GP Ansor.

TGB Zainul Majdi said Ganjar and Mahfud were not polished leaders. They have shown their track record so they deserve support.

"I once served as Governor of NTB. When I saw a figure, it was not just because of the police. I saw the track record and service of the two (Ganjar-Mahfud)," said the Deputy Chairperson of the Ganjar-Mahfud TPN in a Sharing session at the Pasir Putih Multipurpose Building, Sunday.

This candidate is also believed to be able to continue to voice justice. Because, this is what Indonesia needs now.

In addition, Young Ganjar-Mahfud Jurkam, Alvian said Ganjar-Mahfud represented young people and their enthusiasm. The courage of the two is also not a figment because Ganjar has proven it when he led Central Java for the past 10 years.

Meanwhile, Mahfud dared to uncover a number of major legal cases such as those involving the former Head of the Propam Division, Ferdy Sambo. "It is important that Pak Ganjar and Pak Mahfud are also loyal. Both have never betrayed anyone. I am sure, they will not betray the people," concluded Alvian.