Often Late In All Things, Recognize 6 Signs Of Time Blindness Or Time Blind

YOGYAKARTA Time blindness or blindness is a chronic inability to track time travel. According to Ainsley Hawthorn, Ph.D., expert researchers on sensory, people who experience time blindness cannot know how fast time goes and the future because they have difficulty predicting their feelings and needs. Blind time has a bad impact on a person's education, career, and personal life.

Clinical psychologist and ADHD specialist (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., said that time blindness is ADHD. Because usually people who are blind to time experience disruptions to attention and hyperactivity. Timelikeness is also associated with autism, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sadness, alcohol use disorders, and brain injury.

According to research, time blind sufferers will most likely experience difficulties in activities and responsibilities that involve time management. Such as planning, scheduling, assignments, and even determination of goals. According to American psychologist Mark way, Ph.D., although time blindness is usually a common indicator of ADHD, research shows that our perception of time is closely related to our well-being and emotional state. Changes in emotions can also affect the way we view how time passes. How to explain, this is a sign that a person experiences time blindness or is time blind.

You may think that certain tasks take longer or less time than the real one. So this is time-trouble and passing from the deadline. A person who has been time-blind, may feel the time has just passed so that it makes him stressed and anxious because before completing his duties.

Starting from arriving late at the office, being late for appointments, to being late for gathering tasks, it may often be experienced by someone with time blindness. They may not mean to be late, but they make other people wait.

Switching from one task to another certainly needs to change focus. This is difficult for people to do with time blindness because they lose focus and feel frustrated.

If you often delay completing tasks, of course it won't be good for your career. This is not because you are lazy, but the mind becomes complicated if you have to plan how long it will take to complete the task. This is also a sign of being blind in time.

It does not mean that actions based on encouragement are bad. But if it is not managed properly at the time it has, it will have long-term consequences. You will tend to dive into ideas first without planning what happens, during, or thereafter.

A person with time blindness has difficulty meeting a deadline. They can't keep an eye on all important schedules and dates. Calendars are often likelattices, until they finally forget promises, assignments, or don't attend important events.

Suggestions for ways to overcome time blindness, one of which is by using a digital calendar as a reminder. Launching Psychology Today, Monday, November 13, you need to check your calendar every day so that all deadlines can be met. It also helps you take small steps to waste tasks and make effective management techniques.