Police Investigation Results, Women Who Deceived DKI DPRD Candidates Have Also Tricked DPR RI Candidates For IDR 200 Million

The results of the examination by the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit, a middle-aged woman with the initials NZ (52) who was the perpetrator of fraud and embezzlement of money from DKI Jakarta DPRD candidates worth Rp. 23 million turned out to have many victims.

In addition to the victim's initials M (58), a candidate for the DKI DPRD, suspect NZ also admitted that he had deceived another victim with the initials B, who is a candidate for the DPR RI. However, victim B has not reported to the police.

"The NZ perpetrator also deceived another person who is a candidate for the DPR RI on behalf of B in the amount of Rp 200 million, but the victim has not made a police report," said Tambora Police Chief, Kompol Putra Pratama to VOI, Sunday, November 12.

NZ is deliberately looking for targets for legislative candidates (Caleg) who are in need of a lot of campaign funds. NZ offers unsecured loan funds with his fraudulent mode skills.

Kompol Putra appealed to the public not to easily believe in fraudulent modes, which should only be with simple logic, we can easily find out that this is fraud.

"How can there be billions of rupiah loans without collateral and must pay some money just to buy a suitcase as a money container," he said.

In addition, Kompol Putra also appealed to other legislative candidates who had been victims of this group to report to the local police.

"In order to be processed by the police to the roots. Currently, NZ is being held at the Tambora Police. NZ is charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code and or Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a threat of up to four years in prison," he said.

Previously, it was reported that NZ (52), a middle-aged woman, was forced to deal with the Tambora Police for cases of fraud and embezzlement targeting legislative candidates (Caleg) for the 2024 General Election.

In the action, the woman who is a resident of Lubang Buaya Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, is in the mode of promising a loan without collateral for Nyaleg's campaign funds.