PKS Claims Political Parties That Fulfill The Quota For Women Candidates For DPR

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Kurniasih Mufidayati claims that his party is the only party that meets a minimum quota of 30 percent of the representation of female legislative candidates (caleg) in the 2024 DPR member elections in all electoral districts.

"As a political party, PKS is serious in preparing leadership, including in this case women's leadership as legislative candidates," said Kurniasih Mufidayati as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 10.

The representation of women in the election, he said, was really carefully prepared by PKS.

Kurniasih said support from party leaders was very large. In addition, the large number of PKS female members is the capital in fulfilling the quota of 30 percent of female candidates' representation.

"Thank you to the party leaders and PKS women who continue to provide inspiration and support so that PKS can fulfill women's representation as mandated by law," he said.

According to him, as a cadre-based party that carries Islamic values rahmatan lilaalamin, PKS female candidates can be fulfilled from regeneration. In addition, PKS' openness accepts the joining of female and female Indonesian leaders.

He also thanked Indonesian women, figures, mass organizations, and various Indonesian female activists who gave trust to PKS.

"Lead leadership regeneration for PKS women who continue to walk can present members who are ready to fight. On the other hand, we are also grateful that many female and female community leaders have joined PKS," he said.

Kurniasih ensured that PKS female candidates were ready to fight optimally. The reason is, the fulfillment of this 30 percent quota is not just an administrative complement or fulfills the law, but PKS women have the capacity and competence to become representatives of the people.

The KPU has determined 9,917 people to enter the permanent candidate list (DCT) for members of the DPR RI. A total of 11 political parties met the 580 legislative quota in 84 electoral districts (dapil).

"We have determined that DCT today has 9,917 people including 18 election participants and spread over 84 electoral districts," said Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hasyim Asy'ari at a press conference at the Central KPU Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday (3/11).

From KPU data, there were 11 parties that met the quota of 580 seats in 84 electoral districts, including PKB, Gerindra Party, PDI-P, Golkar Party, NasDem Party, Labor Party, PKS, PAN, Democratic Party, PSI, and PPP.