WhatsApp Will Not Show Advertising In Income Messages

JAKARTA WhatsApp once said that they would not display ads in the inbox. However, it looks like the company will include ads in other WhatsApp features.

Quoting from TechCrunch, Head of WhatsApp Will Cathcart once said that advertising in the inbox was not the right choice. He also said that ads could be put into features such as Channels and Status.

WhatsApp's decision not to include advertisements in the inbox is indeed in line with the main goal of this platform, namely to share messages. Through this decision, the presence of advertisements will not be mixed with private communication.

Therefore, the inclusion of advertisements in Channels or Status may be the right decision. So far, advertising is still a scheme so that WhatsApp users are not too worried about the presence of advertisements.

"The channel may charge people a fee to subscribe to, the channel may be exclusive to paid members or their owners may want to promote the channel," Cathcart said as quoted by VOI.

Actually, the discourse on advertising in Status has appeared several years ago. However, WhatsApp has not presented advertisements in Status or other features to this day.

A spokesperson for Meta also told TechCrunch that their company is not testing ads through Status in any country. When asked about the plan to install ads in Status, they gave no answer.