TNI AD Active In Politics In The 2024 Election, Kasad: Strict Actions Against Criminals Until Fired

CIAMIS - Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General TNI Agus Subiyanto emphasized that TNI soldiers are prohibited from politics. For this reason, if there are TNI soldiers who participate in politics, then there will be firm actions in the form of criminal acts or disciplinary actions from the unit commander. If the commitment of neutrality, we TNI AD already has a corridor, namely Article 39 of Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI, where it is written that the TNI must not be political, and also Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.' We will follow the corridor,' Kasad emphasized in his statement, Monday 6 November. This affirmation was conveyed by Kasad while attending the 2024 Peace Election Declaration of West Java Province, at the Islamic Center of Ciamis Regency, West Java. This activity was also followed virtually by 25 units of Kodam III/Siliwangi ranks spread across West Java and Banten. On that occasion, Kasad witnessed the reading of the Election Declaration by the Chairman of the West Java KPU Ummi Wahyuni, which was attended by West Java Bawaslu Chairman Zacky Muhammad Zam Zam, KPU Chairman and Bawaslu Chair of Ciamis Regency, representatives of political parties at the West Java Regency level, representatives of community leaders and religious figures, as well as representatives of the Chairpersons of various community communities in the Ciamis region. Subsequently followed by a declaration signing procession by the figures. In that activity, Kasad said that the TNI AD invited all elements of society to jointly maintain the situation in order to remain safe and peaceful, especially in the face of political years. Kasad also emphasized that TNI and Polri are ready to secure the election in 2024. For this reason, according to Agus, each region has its own contingency plan, which is a classification of the vulnerability in the region, both natural and non-natural insecurity.
"The mapping is with the Pangdam. We have anticipated every threat that may arise in each region," said Kasad. At the event, Kasad also handed over 1,500 social assistance in the form of basic necessities symbolically to representatives of Ciamis residents, followed by the release of the 2024 General Election Order, as well as a review of the Health Service stand and MSMEs.