Beware Of Hoarding Disorder Symptoms If You Like To Hoard Unusable Goods

JAKARTA Recently viral a video showing a boarding house inhabited by a woman is messy and filled with garbage.

The video was uploaded by the tiktok account @kampuskos and shows the boarding house that was left in a very messy condition, very dirty, and full of garbage so that there was no empty corner.

The upload went viral on social media and became a topic of conversation among the public. Many netizens say the occupant of the boarding house is experiencing a broadcasting disorder.

Along with the viral video, broadcasting disorder also caught the attention, because this term is still common in society.

Quoted from the National Health Center (NHC), the broadcasting disorder is the condition in which a person obtains excessive items and stores them in a chaotic amount that cannot be managed. The stored items are usually of small value or are not even worth at all.

People withhoarding disorder are experiencing persistent difficulties to separate from goods because there is a feeling of need to store these items, according to the American Psychiatric Association.

One thing to know, broadcasting or hoarding is different by collecting. Collectors usually get goods in an organized and destination manner. Meanwhile, hoarding goods is carried out by people impulsively and unplanned. In addition, the objects collected also do not have a consistent theme and cause chaos.

"Hoarding disorder is actually an anxiety problem or an anxiety problem that is closed by collecting goods so that he is not anxious," said child psychologist and teenager Sani Budiantini to VOI.

Until now, the exact reason why someone started hoarding useless items is not really understood. Because the broadcasting disorder is a newly developed field, so it's too early to make conclusions.

But a psychologist fromMayo Clinic, Craig Sawchuk Pd.D, said there are two things that can cause someone to experience broadcasting disorder. First because of severe depression.

"Faktanya seoranghoarding disorder mengalami gangguan depresi komorbtilitas dibandingkan dengan gangguan kecemasan lainnya," jelas Sawchuk.

While the second cause is environmental influence. A person who lives in an environment that has a storage disorder also has the potential to experience hoarding disorders.

"It can also be from parenting, it happens in his family that teaches everything has value and can be used someday," added Sawchuk.

Sementara itu, sebagian besar penelitian melaporkan gangguan hoaxing disorder disorder mucul antara usia 15 dan 19 tahun.

According to Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018, there are more than 19 million Indonesians aged more than 15 years who have emotional mental disorders.

Citing the Health page of the Ministry of Health, Indonesia has the prevalence of people with mental disorders of approximately 1 in 5 people. When it comes to the population of 250 million people, the number of those who are vulnerable to mental disorders reaches 20 percent of the population in this country. And, one of them is disordering disorder.

Hoarding disorder has caused a number of impacts on sufferers and the surrounding environment due to the like of hoarding useless goods.

The smallest impact of domestic disorder sufferers is the difficulty of moving even in their own room because of the large number of useless items. In addition, this can also interfere with work performance, personal hygiene, and even relationships with other people.

Sufferers of disorder also usually refuse to be visited by others, causing isolation and loneliness.

Launching NHC, broadcasting disorder is difficult to cure because people with these symptoms don't see it as a problem, or have little awareness of how stockpiling goods can affect the lives of those around them.

In addition, disordered disorder sufferers are also reluctant to seek help because they feel ashamed of what they have experienced. But according to Sani Budiant, curing Hoarding disorder sufferers is not impossible.

"It can be cured with support systems such as families, mediated by psychiatrists and therapy by psychologists.Hoarding disorder can also be cured with effective, intensive and routine therapy," Sani concluded.