Calling Israel a Humanitarian Crime During 25 Days Of War In Gaza, President Erdogan: The Western World Failed

JAKARTA - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Israel had committed crimes against humanity during the war in Gaza with the Palestinian militant group Hamas, criticizing Western countries' failure in humanitarian matters in the enclave.

Assessing that Israel has committed crimes against humanity in the last 25 days with the support of the United States and the European Union, President Erdoğan revealed that Turkey is holding discussions to ensure that the perpetrators of war crimes in Gaza are held accountable before the law.

Furthermore, President Erdoğan also criticized Western countries for their involvement in Israel's war crimes.

"The Western world, especially European countries, have once again failed their humanitarian lessons in Gaza, he said, adding they have completely lost credibility," criticized President Erdogan, reported by Daily Sabah November 1.

"Those who witnessed the deaths of thousands of Gazan children today will have no credibility with anything they say on any topic tomorrow," he said.

It is known that Turkish authorities are exploring ways to bring crimes committed by Israel against Palestinian civilians to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Turkey itself is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, the international treaty that underlies the founding of the ICC, so it cannot directly submit cases to the court.

However, they can notify the Prosecutor's office at the ICC through government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) about crimes against humanity.

Referring to Article 15 of the Rome Statute, the Prosecutor can initiate a proprio motu investigation (on his own initiative) based on information regarding crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC.

As of Tuesday, the death toll from Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip had reached 8,525 people, said the Ministry of Health in Gaza, quoted by Anadolu.

"The victims included 3,542 children and 2,187 women, while 21,543 people were injured," ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said at a press conference in Gaza City.

Furthermore, he said the ministry had received reports that around 2,000 people were still trapped under the rubble, including 1,100 children.

Al-Qudra added that 130 medics were killed and 25 ambulances destroyed in Israeli airstrikes since October 7.

"The occupation forces deliberately targeted 57 health facilities, forcing 15 hospitals and 32 primary care centers to malfunction," he added.

On the other hand, more than 1,538 Israeli citizens were killed and 5,400 others as a result of the Hamas attack on October 7.