Denny Indrayana Asks MKMK To Reexamine The Decision On The Age Limit For Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates Without Anwar Usman
The reporter for the alleged violation of the constitutional judge's code of ethics, Denny Indrayana, asked the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) to re-examine the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates (cawapres).
"Your Honor, please be willing to order the Constitutional Court to re-examine the 90 case," said Denny while attending the trial for violating the code of ethics of the constitutional judge online at the Constitutional Court II Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 31, which was confiscated by Antara.
Denny wants the re-examination of case Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 to be carried out. He added, with a different composition of judges. In this case, he continued, without the presence of the judge reported by Anwar Usman.
According to him, the MKMK should be considered a solution to carry out fundamental corrections, not just to impose ethical sanctions.
In the main report, Denny stated that the decision regarding the age limit for presidential/vice-presidential candidates was not valid until the decision of the Constitutional Court was based on the re-examination of Case Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023.
Denny also hopes that reports from him can be received in full.
In the middle of the trial, MKMK Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie as the chair of the trial expressed his desire for the reporter to speed up the process of submitting his report, because the report had been read out for a long time.
"I think this is complete from A to Z, this report has 60 pages, please speed it up considering the limited time," said Jimly.
As is known, the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 has changed the phrase in Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. After the decision, it reads in full: "It is at least 40 (fourty) years old or has been/standing to occupy positions elected through general elections, including regional head elections".
Furthermore, the MKMK will speed up the decision on reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics of nine constitutional judges on November 7 before the final opportunity to propose changes to the presidential/vice-presidential candidate pair.
"On November 8, the last opportunity is to propose changes to the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs. So, we have planned this decision to be completed on November 7," said MKMK Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie in Jakarta, Monday, October 30.