Boosting SDGs, Local Governments Can Partner With SOEs Easier

JAKARTA - The government is determined to increase awareness of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is targeted to achieve both the central, provincial and district/city governments by 2030.

The Ministry of SOEs through PT Surveyor Indonesia (PTSI) also established the I-SIM For Cities and I-SIM For Regencys programs. This program aims to map the local government (Pemda) which is starting to run the SDGs acceleration program.

For your information, the I-SIM For Regencys is an accelerated program to disclose data on good performance, impact, and innovation of SDGs in 416 districts throughout Indonesia.

PTSI President Director, M. Haris Witjaksono said this year there were 103 districts participating in the I-SIM for Regency judging which were held in collaboration with Bappenas, APKASI and KPPOD. Of these, as many as 10 districts passed the judging stage.

There are 10, which have passed the judging stages, consisting of Bandung, Bogor, Bantul, Gowa, Karo, Magelang, South Tapanuli, North Tapanuli, Temanggung, and Sinjai Regencies. These ten districts present programs that encourage the acceleration of SDGs in different sectors. Among them, waste management, clean water supply, to programs in the health sector.

"This is part of our support for the government to be able to achieve the SDGs itself. We get the task and mandate to be able to run at the district and city levels," he said at the Graha Surveyor Indonesia, Jakarta, Monday, October 30.

Haris said this judging program is still continuing and later there will be three selected districts. The three best districts will be announced at the Annual Conference, on November 5-7, 2023 in Yogyakarta by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.

Furthermore, Haris said that in assessors there were 17 indicators used. Considering the problems that exist in the Regency government, it's different.

"That's why we give the widest possible space, what kind of flagship programs they build, that's why we then ask the Panelist Council, both from academics, then from NGOs, from Kadin, then from Bappenas there too," he said.

Make It Easier For SOEs To Find Working Partners

Haris said the assessment carried out could also provide assistance from other parties in order to fund sustainable programs. One of them, the TJSL program of state-owned companies.

"This can also be used by business entities, one of which is state-owned enterprises in the context of making programs, called matching programs. Between district and city governments, as well as targets in the preparation of TJSL," he said.

"What does that mean? We hope that our TJSL program can connect with the district/city government program, and then what kind of achievements will be monitored. Now, this achievement is part of the contribution of SOEs, part of the ESG from SOEs itself," he continued.

Meanwhile, the TJSL Coordinator of the Ministry of SOEs, Fahrudin, said that with the SDGs rating given to the district, state-owned enterprises (BUMN) would be easier to obtain data for the search for partners, as well as in the implementation of the TJSL BUMN.

"Of course, it will be a good database for the Ministry of SOEs to be worked on together, to collaborate between SOEs and local governments," said Fahrudin.