Elon Musk Removes Monetization For X Post Corrected Community Notes

JAKARTA - X owner Elon Musk said recently that X posts corrected by Community Notes, a crowd-sourced fact-checking system on the platform, will no longer be eligible for revenue sharing.

"Made slight changes to creator monetization. Any posts corrected by @CommunityNotes become ineligible for revenue sharing," Musk wrote in his post on X on Sunday, October 29.

Musk also said that this change will maximize incentives for users to avoid posting inaccurate or patently false information that is then edited by Community Notes.

"The idea is to maximize incentives for accuracy over sensationalism," Musk added in the same post.

Community Notes was first launched under the leadership of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in 2021, to combat misinformation on its platform.

By joining the Community, users can add context to misleading tweets by leaving notes linking to factual sources.

Last July, the platform began paying content creators for the first time through a revenue sharing program that allows them to be compensated for ads that appear in their reply threads.

Users must meet certain criteria to make money, including subscribing to Twitter Blue, having a Stripe account for payments, and having more than 5 million tweet impressions each month.

In mid-October, X released a series of updates designed to improve accuracy via Community Notes. For example, allowing fact-checkers to collect judgments more quickly can enable useful and accurate records to be published more quickly.

Also, improvements to features that send notifications to people whose activities are then fact-checked could encourage those who spread misinformation or disinformation to delete posts or edit them to provide more context.