Jadi Pusat Studi Pers, Mahfud MD Dukung Pembangunan Grha Pers Pancasila Yogyakarta

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD firmly expressed his support for the plan to build the Pancasila Press Grha in Yogyakarta, while encouraging the establishment of the Pancasila Press Study Center in the city.
This was revealed by Mahfud in a meeting with the Central PWI Management for the period 2023-2028 led by the General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, in the office of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs in Jakarta Friday, October 27.
The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs strongly supports PWI's initiative in the construction of the Pancasila Press Grha. This reflects PWI's determination not only to make its members competent in the field of journalism, but also to have a strong nationalism spirit. They are journalists responsible for the progress of the nation and state of Indonesia.
Mahfud MD also expressed his joy at the concept of the Pancasila Press. He emphasized that the Pancasila Press does not only need to maintain its traditional role in educating, entertaining, and controlling, but must also realize nationalism values.
"I strongly agree with the construction of Grha Pers Pancasila," said Mahfud MD.
"Thus, the Pancasila Press can reflect a culture that rejects hoaxes, does not create terror, and upholds the values of Pancasila," he explained.
During this meeting, the General Chairperson of the Central PWI Hendry Ch Bangun discussed in addition to the management of PWI, as well as PWI's future programs. Hendry hopes that the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs can participate in the socialization of the Pancasila Press which will be held in mid-November 2023.
The General Chairperson of the Central PWI also explained plans related to PWI education, where PWI members will receive training on national insight and philosophical values.
It should be noted that the understanding and implementation of the Pancasila Press had previously been declared at Kraton Kilen Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat in July 2018. During this declaration, the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) X and the Chairs of PWI Provinces from all over Indonesia were also present.
In the declaration, it was conveyed the commitment of Indonesian journalists who emphasized: 1. Respect pluralism, tolerance, and diversity in creating journalistic works. 2. Generate the spirit of gotong royong, solidarity, sharing, and help among all elements of the nation. 3. Prioritizing the interests of the nation and state above personal and group interests. 4. Adopt deliberation and rejection of coercion in decision making. 5. Ready to empower the community through inspiring coverage, based on the values of Pancasila.
HT Sihono, Director of the Central PWI Pancasila Press, hopes that the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs can support the construction of Grha Pers Pancasila and the establishment of the Pancasila Press Study Center in Yogyakarta.
The plan is for the strengthening of the National Press and the launch of the Pancasila Press Grha to be held in Yogyakarta in November 2023. Furthermore, there will be socialization of the Pancasila Press in 38 provinces and in Surakarta, the hometown of PWI.
In addition to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD and Hendry Ch Bangun, this meeting was also attended by the Secretary General of the Central PWI Sayid Iskandarsyah, Deputy Secretary General of Raja Pane, Pancasila Press Director Sihono HT, and Central PWI Public Relations Riza Awaluddin. From the ranks of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Deputy for Coordination, Communication, and Apparatus of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs were also present.