Sri Mulyani Calls PNBP Realization More Than The 2023 State Budget Target
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said non-tax state revenue (PNBP) until September 2023 amounted to IDR 451.5 trillion or already 102.3 percent of the target set in the 2023 State Budget.
"This has exceeded the target. It even grew 4.6 percent compared to the same period last year," Sri Mulyani said at a press conference, Wednesday, October 25.
Sri Mulyani menyampaikan, realisasi PNBP telah melebihi dari target APBN di tengah fluktuasi harga komoditas.
This increase was driven by the contribution of increasing non-oil and gas natural resource income (SDA).
As for the end of September 2023, non-oil and gas SDA revenues amounted to Rp106.5 trillion or 164.4 percent of the targets set by the government.
Sri Mulyani said the increase came from the adjustment of the production fee or coal royalties with the enactment of Government Regulation (PP) no. 26 of 2022.
"Even though the price of coal has decreased, we give the royalty rate to increase, so that PNPB is still higher," he said.
The State Treasurer added that the increase in PNBP also came from the separation of state assets (KND) of Rp. 70.7 trillion or the equivalent of 144 percent of the set target.
According to Sri Mulyani, the increase in KND was contributed by the dividend deposit of state-owned enterprises (BUMN), namely from banks and non-banking.
Meanwhile, the revenue of oil and gas SDA in September 2023 was recorded at IDR 87.6 trillion or equivalent to 66.8 percent of the APBN target. Then the revenue of the public service agency (BLU) is IDR 65.7 trillion or equivalent to 79.1 percent of the APBN target.
Meanwhile, other PNBPs were recorded at Rp121 trillion or the equivalent of 106.8 percent of the set target.