Following In Jokowi's Footsteps, Gibran Will Issue 3 More Sakti Cards

JAKARTA - The Vice Presidential Candidate for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Gibran Rakabuming, delivered a political speech in front of thousands of volunteers at the Bung Karno Arena Indonesia Gelora, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 25. This speech was delivered by Gibran before registering with the KPU together with the presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto today.Following in the footsteps of President Joko Widodo who issued a Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) and Smart Indonesia Card (KIP), Gibran promised to add 3 more magic cards, namely KIS for the Elderly, KIS for Mothers and Children, and Cards for Healthy Children to prevent stunting. These cards are in line with Prabowo's vision for improving the nutrition of Indonesian children.Initially, Gibran said, together with Prabowo, he would continue the ongoing government program. According to him, the Jokowi-Ma'ruf amin government program has brought Indonesia to the gateway for progress."Our job is now to continue and perfect," said Gibran in his speech at the Indonesia Arena, Wednesday, October 25.Gibran also fully supports matters related to young people, millennials, generation Z, and students. According to him, Indonesia needs a reliable, resilient, and national commitment young generation."For that, I ask for permission from Pak Prabowo. I want to divulge several flagship programs. The pesantren endowment fund, this pesantren endowment fund is a mandate from Law Number 18 of 2019. Now there is something called KUR, there is already Mekar Credit, there is already a micro waqf, there is ultra micro credit, later we will add another millennial startup credit. This is for millennials' businesses based on innovation and technology," explained Gibran.Gibran then mentioned the additional card. "Now there is an KIS, there is a Smart Indonesia Card, there is a PKH, later I will add another KIS for the elderly. There is one more, but this is what brought my wife, because this is related to mothers and children, Healthy Children Cards for stunting prevention," he said.Gibran also highlighted the downstream issue for mining, agriculture and fishery commodities. As well as a green economy and green energy for sustainability.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that sustainability and consistency are our capital to jump further towards Golden Indonesia. Once again, thank you ladies and gentlemen, please pray for everything to run smoothly, and hopefully the journey will be smooth.