Widening The Conversion Range Of Electric Motorcycles, Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources 'Dekati' BUMN And Private

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif confirmed that he would widen the reach of converting motorbike recipients to no longer individuals but would begin to spread to agencies.

For this reason, he said, his ministry began to approach state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and private companies.

"Now we are trying to dor-to-door electric motor conversion to BUMN-BUMN, to offices," Arifin told the media when met at his office, Friday, October 20.

Through this effort, he admitted that he had received positive responses from a number of private companies that would convert electric motorcycles.

He hopes that through an approach to the companies, the conversion motorbike target is close to 50,000 units by the end of the year.

"We have an allocation of 50 thousand, we hope that at least it will approach that number at the end of the year," added Arifin.

In addition to aggressively promoting to the private sector, Arifin continued, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also continues to provide guidance to workshops so that they immediately meet the qualifications for motor conversion.

"Our agenda must develop our workshops so that they have qualifications. Apart from licensing problems, then the mechanism can be accelerated," he said.

Previously, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana said that his ministry is currently making revisions to the Ministerial Regulation that has been previously signed.

"Now we are revising the Permen. Now it is limited to individuals even though there are many motorbikes owned by agencies and companies. This is what we will open," Dadan told the media quoted Monday, October 16.

Dadan hopes that with the addition of these criteria, companies and agencies can encourage the use of conversion motors.

When asked about the additional incentive value, Dadan said that until now the government has not planned to increase the amount of incentives given, namely Rp. 7 million per conversion motorbike.