Collaborating With Dekranas, The Ministry Of Industry Holds The Asta Karya Nusa Exhibition To Promote Indonesian Craft Products

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries (Directorate General of IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) collaborated with the National Crafts Council (Dekranas) to hold the Asta Karya Nusa Exhibition at Plaza Kemenperin, Jakarta, on October 17-20, 2023.

"This exhibition activity is a synergy between the Ministry of Industry and the National Crafts Council (Dekranas) in order to encourage the promotion of craft products and wastra Nusantara," said IKMA Director General Reni Yanita at the opening of the Asta Karya Nusa Exhibition at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 17.

Reni said that in addition to exhibition activities, Asta Karya Nusa also presented various series of activities in the form of Talkshows with the topic of Identifying Global Market Opportunities in Online Business from the Indonesian Furniture and Crafts Industry Association (HIMKI), Workshop with the topic of Promotion Strategy through Digital Content by Bramantya Eka.

Then, there is the Wood Watch Making Workshop by Eboni Watch, the Kayu Fiber Processing Workshop into Exclusive Fashion Accessories by Studio Seratan, Music Performance and Stan Culinary, as well as prize draw (door prize) to attract visitors.

"The exhibition will be attended by 40 Small and Medium Industries (IKM), consisting of 20 Craft IKMs and 20 IKMs assisted by the Ministry of Industry, Dekranas, and Dekranasda," he said.

On the same occasion, the Daily Chairman of Dekranas Tri Tito Karnavian said, according to the direction of Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo as the Trustee and Mrs. Wury Ma'ruf Amin as General Chair of the National Crafts Council, it is important for the Indonesian people to preserve and appreciate crafts and wastra, and provide support to craftsmen who have taken their time and energy to create beautiful works of art.

"One of these efforts is to provide space for expression and promotion in the form of exhibitions for superior products of crafts and wastra nusantara which we carried out today," he said.

He added that the Asta Karya Nusa Exhibition which was held was one of the efforts to improve and promote creativity, creativity and culture, as well as skills in crafts and wastra.

"This exhibition carries the theme Kriya Unggul, Indonesia Maju with the aim of making the potential of craft and wastra products in the archipelago more superior and competitive," added Tri.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the Daily I Dekranas Loemongga Agus Gumiwang said that the Asta Karya Nusa Exhibition is not only a forum to showcase craft and waste products, but also a means to understand the meanings and values contained in them.

"We urge all exhibitors to take advantage of this opportunity as well as possible to gain as much knowledge and opportunity as possible," he said.