Differences In Investors And Shareholders Who Like To Confuse Beginners In The Investment World

YOGYAKARTA - For ordinary people who have just stepped foot in the world of investment in the Indonesian capital market, of course, they will be a little confused by the differences between investors and shareholders.

However, even though it is different, in the investment world, investors and shareholders are two things that are closely related to each other. Both are related to funds/money. investors and shareholders must have differences. An investor and shareholder will definitely aim to return the invested and ventured capital.

What Are Shareholders

Shareholders are people who have bought shares or participated in company ownership. Ordinary shares are security that confirms ownership of a person in the company. called a shareholder.

The shareholder category is the owner with the company according to the percentage of shares it owns.

Shareholders or shareholders are individuals, companies or organizations that hold at least one stake in a company and whose name is issued a letter of stock. Public and private companies can issue shares to investors. A shareholder who owns more than half of the company's shares regulates the company and is known as the majority owner.

On the other hand, shareholders who own less than 50% of the company's shares are said to be minority shareholders and have a very small influence on the company's daily operations. Their ownership also ensures their voting rights in the company and management. Because they are company owners, they accept financial benefits and take risks.

What Are Investors

Investors and shareholders enter into the money cycle and take advantage. Even though they are at the same time profit-oriented, there are also differences between the two.

Investors are people who invest in a company. Companies that are the focus of investors are companies that can place assets or money for a long time. Investors can also see the quality and quantity of investment made.

Unlike investors, shareholders own company shares. Shares themselves can also be sold to people or other groups. An investor directs the assets they hold in a real direction, a kind of property, gold, and insurance. On the other hand, shareholders refer to the company's existing shares.

Both shareholders and investors see the goals and benefits that can be achieved. Investors can view the company's background invested. Investors also see what they have when they invest in the company.

Shareholders have their rights in the company concerned. Because they have shares in the company, shareholders can use their rights for the benefit and growth of the company. Kind of, for example, in executive elections.

In this election, the opinion and votes of shareholders are needed. Unlike shareholders, investors usually cannot share their rights in limited companies.

So after knowing the differences between investors and shareholders, see other interesting news in VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!