Mitsubishi Starts 'Triton Educar' Program Travel, Enriches Indonesian Children's Experience

JAKARTA - PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (MMKSI) held a Triton Educar, with the aim of spreading happiness to children in Indonesia.

This time, MMKSI collaborated with the official Dipo Golf Island Market dealer Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), through a series of interesting fun-edutainment programs, which were presented through a digital literacy literate vehicle.

"This is the first time that it was launched on July 23 and was displayed as one of the display vehicles at the Mitsubishi Motors booth at the GIIAS 2023 event, Mitsubishi TRITON Educar was introduced in full to a wide audience," said Intan Vidiasari, General Manager of Marketing Communication & Public Relations Division of PT MMKSI, in an official statement received by VOI.ID, Sunday, October 15.

This activity was carried out for one day, namely on Saturday, October 14, 2023 at the DIPO Golf Island PIK dealer area by inviting dozens of underprivileged children and consumers who were present with their families, who were invited to enjoy activities on weekends with Mitsubishi Motors.

"Through cars and fun-edutainment programs on Triton Educar, we want to contribute a little to enrich children's thinking in Indonesia, as well as open new doors for them to gain experience and learn about digitization," he added.

He further said that the Triton Educar can be used as a means to explore various knowledge and skills through interactive and entertaining activities.

"We hope that more and more activities will emerge involving Triton Educar in dealers, so that more and more people can feel the benefits. Not only for consumers through Showroom Events, but socially it will also provide a pleasant experience for children in the dealers," he explained.

Through this event, MMKSI held various exciting activities, ranging from free dental examinations for children, handicrafts colored and learned to recycle used goods, to entertaining participants with MIRA dipers, followers, and storytellers.

After participating in this Showroom Event, Triton Educar will continue its adventure to greet more children in Indonesia, especially in the cities of Surabaya, Semarang, Bandung and Jakarta.