Adjutant Firli Bahuri Rampung Examined 7 Hours Related To Alleged Corruption
Polda Metro Jaya has finished examining Kevin Egananta, who is an aide or aide-de-camp (ADC), Chairman of the KPK Firli Bahuri, Friday, October 13, evening.
The examination is said to have lasted for seven hours by investigating the alleged extortion of the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo by the KPK leadership.
"The examination of the witness ADC of the Chairman of the Indonesian KPK began at 14.00 WIB and ended at 22.00 WIB or about 7 hours for witnesses to be examined," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to reporters quoted on Saturday, October 14.
However, it did not specify the number of questions asked by investigators against Kevin Egananta during the examination process. It was only conveyed that ADC Firli Bahuri was investigated around a series of cases of alleged corruption in the form of extortion.
"There are several questions, yes, there are several questions that we ask the person concerned," said Ade.
"The main thing is related to the alleged corruption crime which we are currently investigating," he continued.
The examination process for Kevin has not yet been fully completed. This is because Firli Bahuri's aide will be questioned again next week.
"On Wednesday (the follow-up examination)," said Ade.
Meanwhile, before undergoing the examination Kevin had stated that there was no direction from anyone regarding today's examination, including from Firli Bahuri.
"There is no direction whatsoever. I just answer," said Kevin.
In handling this case, Polda Metro Jaya has examined dozens of witnesses in the investigation stage. Two of them are SYL and the Semarang Police Chief Kombes Irwan Anwar.
In addition, investigators will also examine one KPK employee on Monday, October 16. He should have been questioned on Thursday, October 12. However, on the grounds that there is an official activity, he asked for a reschedule.