Village Financial Management In Kaltara Becomes A Moment To Support Community Welfare

TANJUNG SELOR - Deputy Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Yansen TP emphasized that the use of village funds must support or be in line with improving the welfare of rural communities.

One of them is through program selection such as providing infrastructure, economic support and increasing the capacity of human resources.

Because, in Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, it is stated that the purpose of distributing village funds is a form of the state's commitment to protecting and empowering villages to become strong, advanced, independent, and democratic.

"Through the available village funds, it is hoped that development and empowerment of villages can be created towards a just, prosperous, and prosperous society," said Yansen TP, Tuesday, October 10.

With the authority given, the Deputy Governor hopes that the village government can take the initiative to encourage community participation in utilizing the potential possessed by the village itself, including increasing income. The goal is that welfare in the village is felt evenly.

In addition, the village government is also expected to provide quality public services at the village level which are organized in a professional, efficient and effective manner, as well as transparent and accountable.

Of course, with the cultivation and use of village funds well, the community will be able to enjoy the results together.

"After almost ten years of implementing village autonomy, village independence has not shown a significant increase," he said.

It is known, the realization of village original income shows a downward trend. Therefore, village finances must be utilized properly through accountable planning, budgeting, implementation, and accountability.

"The synergy from the central, provincial and district governments to the village level continues to be increased," he explained.

Moreover, based on data from the central government in 2023, 70 trillion village funds have been disbursed for 74,954 villages in 434 throughout Indonesia.

"Especially for us in North Kalimantan province, we have received village funds of 863.38 billion for 447 villages spread across 4 regencies," he said.

The government, said the Deputy Governor, has an important role in providing guidance and empowerment as well as village supervision through related regional apparatus.

"To note, the North Kalimantan Provincial Government last year (2022) through the village fund program targets the achievement of three strategic targets.

"One of them is increasing the status of villages with indicators of the independent village index," he concluded.