AIS Forum Helps Indonesia Develop Advanced Sea Water Monitoring Drones

NUSA DUA - The Island and Island Countries Forum (AIS Forum) is assisting Indonesia in developing ARHEA, a sophisticated drone (unmanned aircraft) that functions as a monitor of sea water conditions.

The tool for monitoring and measuring water characteristics based on digital technology was created by lecturer at the Department of Marine Affairs, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Noir Primadona Purba.

Since it was first introduced at the AIS Forum meeting in Manado, North Sulawesi, 2018, many participating countries have expressed their interest in proposing ARHEA—which is an acronym for Advanced Drifter GPS Oceanography Coverage Area.

"This makes us proud because almost 80 percent of the raw materials for this equipment are domestically made and ARHEA is produced in Indonesia, except for the transmitter for sending data to satellites which still has to be imported," said Noir in a written statement from the 2023 AIS Forum Summit Communication and Media Team, Tuesday, October 10.

ARHEA is a 1 meter long yellow aluminum tube with a diameter of 144 millimeters and weighs around 15 kilograms. The tube is equipped with various sensors, batteries, data storage, a global positioning system (GPS), as well as a communication system via radio and satellite.

In open or closed waters, the tube will float because it is equipped with a float. This means that this tool follows the water parcel wherever the current flows. At first glance, it works like an unmanned aircraft or drone, but moves underwater.

This tool can also be applied to closed waters such as reservoirs and lakes, and can be used to examine very shallow waters.