Restless About Marriage, Syakir Daulay Makes Imam Film Without Makmum

JAKARTA - Syakir Daulay has completed his first film as a director and producer entitled Imam Without Makmum. In this film, Syakir Daulay raises the story about young marriages in films that are planned to be shown in all Indonesian cinemas on October 19.

Syakir admitted that the beginning of the idea to make this film came from the anxiety he experienced. He had felt this since several years ago until finally decided to make this film.

"So why is young marriage, departing from Syakir's anxiety about the trend of young marriage in recent years," said Syakir Daulay at XXI Epicentrum Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday, October 9.

For this 21-year-old man, the Imam Without Makmum film tries to present another point of view about marriage. Where he tries to explain that marriage is not a racing.

"The presence of this film wants to show from various perspectives to change the idea of marriage, not into racing," said Syakir.

However, the presence of this film does not mean to give lectures to people related to marriage. However, he wants to provide a good and bad side to marriage for the younger generation.

"Jakir doesn't want to insult and lecture people. We just give events. When we show the black side, Syakir gives the white side the opposite. There is a process of mitigating in the film," he explained.

"That's why this film wants to provide spectacle and guidance to make this young generation even better," he added.

The film Imam Without Makmum tells the story of a man named Imam (Syakir Daulay), where he is forced to get married immediately by his mother (Cut Mini Theo).

Imam faced a great dilemma. He had to fulfill his mother's wishes, but on the other hand he was still very young to be married.

Until finally Imam met Zahra (Raisya) and Naira (Vonny Felicia), the woman she asked to be her maximum.