8 Districts In Wonogiri Affected By Drought, Regent: This Is Very Worrying

JAKARTA - A total of eight sub-districts in Wonogiri Regency were affected by drought following the long dry season in 2023. "This is very concerning, there are around 8-9 sub-districts, especially in the southern region, which are seriously affected by drought conditions in this long dry season," said Wonogiri Regent Joko Sutopo in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java (Central Java), Friday 6 October, confiscated by Antara. Responding to this, his party is trying to take anticipatory steps to minimize public spending due to lack of clean water. Therefore, he said, there will be short, medium and long-term classifications to address these conditions. "Dependent, today through our potential budget, we have provided a minimum of 1,000 tanks/month for clean water to critical areas," he said.

Sedangkan untuk jangka menengah, dikatakannya, pemerintah berupaya melanjutkan ketercukupan air bersih dengan jaringan distribusi dan sambungan ke rumah."Ini sudah kami lakukan. Akhir tahun ini target kami untuk jaringan distribusi air bersih yang di Kecamatan Paranggupito selesai 90 persen," tuturnya.Sementara itu, delapan kecamatan yang mengalami krisis air bersih yakni Kecamatan Paranggupito, Pracimantoro, Giritontro, Giriwoyo, Eromoko, Tirtomoyo, Jatisrono dan Selogiri."Kalau untuk lahan pertanian, kami punya lahan pertanian berkelanjutan di angka 27.000 hektare. Otomatis banyak yang tidak termanfaatkan karena banyak lahan yang tergantung hujan atau tadah hujan," tandasnya.