The Last 10 Months The Federation Of Teachers Recorded 23 Cases, Bullying, The Most In The Middle School Level
JAKARTA - The Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI) recorded 23 cases of bullying or bullying in educational units from January to September 2023 the most occurred at the junior high school level. Noted, as many as 23 cases of bullying in education units this year. Of the 23 cases, 50 percent occurred at the junior high school level, 23 percent occurred at the elementary school level; 13.5 percent at the high school level, and 13.5 percent at the SMK level. "There was a maximum number of bullying between junior high school students, both students to peers, as well as those committed by educators," said Secretary General of FSGI Heru Purnomo in his statement, Friday, October 6. Heru said, out of the 23 cases of bullying, two cases stabbed fatalities, one elementary school student in Sukabumi Regency and one female MTs in Blitar who died after receiving physical violence from peers. out of 23 cases, it was recorded that there was discipline with violence committed by teachers related to school rules violations. As in the case of SMPN 1 Sukohadi, Lamongan in the form of cutting the hair of 14 students because they did not insult the ciput to the bandk in front, as well as the case of SMPN 1 Sianjur Mulai in Samosir where teachers cut the hair of students was only left by the side of the child. "This has an impact on the victim's child who felt humiliated and experienced psychological violence," said Heru. From this condition, FSGI encourages the Ministry of Education and regional governments to carry out various efforts to prevent and handle violence in education units or schools. "The application of Permendikbudristek Number 46 of 2023 concerning prevention and handling of violence in units of education must be implemented to create a safe and comfortable school without violence through positive discipline," he said.
In addition, FSGI considers the need for socialization regarding Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System (SPPA) which regulates the provisions of children who become criminal perpetrators. In the law, it is stated that children aged 12 years and under cannot be punished, only 12 years and over can be punished. "Even though children become criminals, our legal system still places children as victims, because of miscarrying or environmental victims he grew up, it means that children's mistakes do not stand alone," he explained.