Ciledug 99 Contracts Protested Because There Is Online Prostitution, Residents Call The Region Dirty
TANGERANG - Residents on Jalan Employee III, Karang Tengah, Tangerang City are busy visiting a 99 rented house. They protested because they did not want their area to be used as a place of immorality.
The action was accompanied by the installation of banners that read: PERMATAN KERAS We residents of Mancung, strongly reject the activity in the rented house. Please take action or take action against residents.
Tens or even hundreds of residents suspect that the contract 99 is used as a place for online prostitution, which is commonly called 'Open BO'.
The Head of the Ciledug Police, AKP Diorisha Sarwo Suryo, confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Wednesday, October 4, at 22:15 WIB.
"It's true, residents protested their objections regarding the alleged hidden prostitution in Contract 99," Diorisha said when confirmed, Thursday, October 5.
Diorisha explained that after receiving information, his party went to the scene. Then the problem was resolved so that something unexpected would not happen.
"Tokokoh Masyarakat Bapak Subur, sebagai perwakilan warga Ustaz Nur halim, dan Bapak Mursih, dan dari yang memperwakili pemilik sewan 99 Bapak Mulki, melakukan masalah solving (penyelesaian masalah)," katanya.
The contract owner promised to bring order to the occupants of his rented house who were suspected of carrying out online prostitution activities. He and the transtib will carry out surveillance at the 99 rental.
"Promising to discipline the occupants of the rented house and ensure that there are no activities that violate the law in Contract 99," he concluded.
In a video, one of the residents says that he does not accept prostitution in his area.
The demonstration to refuse prostitution in Rental 99 has dirty our village. Residents are restless. He said in the video.