Corn Land Fire Almost Lahap Residents' Houses In Agam West Sumatra

SUMBAR - Firefighters (Damkar) extinguished a fire that burned corn plantations near residential areas in Surau Kariang, Jorong Ampek Surabayo, Agam Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra). Head of Satpol PP Damkar Agam Dandi Pribadi said the fire could be extinguished after a fire engine (damkar) was deployed to a location along with 10 personnel. "Members need about 20 minutes to extinguish the fire that burned corn land and weeds in the area on Monday (2 October) afternoon," he said accompanied by the Commander of the Agam Damkar Ragu Darman in Lubuk Basung, Tuesday, October 3, confiscated by Antara. He said the land fire broke out after residents burned corn land close to residential residents. With hot weather conditions and strong winds, the fire quickly spread to a residential area around a resident's house in the name of Elvi Eva Putri (56). Seeing the fire quite large to his house, Elvi was afraid and immediately contacted the Lubuk Basung Damkar Post.

Mendapatkan laporan itu, petugas langsung menuju lokasi untuk memadamkan api membakar lahan tersebut."Apabila kita terlambat ke lokasi, maka api bisa membakar rumah warga, karena jaraknya cukup dekat dan di lokasi ada beberapa rumah," katanya.Ia mengimbau warga jangan melakukan pembakaran sembarangan dan melihat sekeliling objek yang dibakar.Setelah itu, pastikan api sudah padam saat meninggalkan kebun, jangan membuang puntung rokok sembarangan dan lainnya."Ini harus diwaspadai pada saat cuaca panas seperti ini dan apabila terjadi kebakaran segera hubungi ke Posko Damkar Agam dengan nomor 0752 66113," katanya.