Pamekasan Immigration Arrests Bangladeshi And Myanmar Citizens

PAMEKASAN - Pamekasan Non-TPI Class II Immigration Office arrested two foreign nationals (WNA) from Bangladesh and Myanmar who did not have official documents or illegal.

"The two foreigners that we arrested live in Bangkalan and Sampang," said Head of the Pamekasan Immigration Office, Imam Buhari, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 29.

The foreigner from Myanmar has the initials MHA. He was arrested after the video made his bread go viral on social media. Arrest after the Pamekasan Immigration Intelligence team conducted an investigation.

Imam explained that MHA had been a cook at one of the luclei canai in Bangkalan Regency. He worked for a businessman with the initials M, then the person concerned opened his own business.

After that, the person concerned offered himself to the customer to find a wife, who was later introduced to L.

"After 7 days of getting acquainted, MHA married siri to L around 2020, and attended the Isbat Nikah trial at the Bangkalan Religious Court in 2021," said Head of Immigration Pamekasan Imam Buhari.

From the marriage isbat, MHA and L were officially and legally registered based on Quotes of the Marriage Deed number 247/46/VI/2021 issued by the Geger Bangkalan District Religious Affairs Office on June 28, 2021.

Meanwhile, a foreigner from Bangladesh with the initials MAH was arrested by officers after he came to the Pamekasan Immigration Office a few days ago and wanted to make an Indonesian passport with a population document made in Sampang Regency.

Officers revealed MAH's identity when his wife, who is a Sampang resident, accidentally spoke English with the person concerned.

Initially, said Imam, MAH's wife said that she had hearing loss so that Indonesian passports would run smoothly.

"Because the officers were suspicious and MAH was in active English, he was finally taken to the Pamekasan Immigration Intelligence and Enforcement Subsection," said Head of Intelligence at the Pamekasan Immigration Office, Agus Surono.

After the investigation, he continued, it was revealed that MAH falsified population documents by asking for help from others.

"Based on his confession, he paid 2,000 Malaysian ringgit to the person requested for assistance. He was originally from Malaysia and then to Indonesia via Sumatra based on the confession concerned," he said.

According to Agus Surono, the two foreigners will later be returned to their respective countries, but are still waiting for the departure schedule.

He also asked the public to proactively report to the Pamekasan Immigration Office if there are new foreigners around them.