9 Things That Slow Down Body Metabolism, One Of Which Is Tight Diet
YOGYAKARTA Metabolism is how the body converts food into energy. If the body works slowly in burning calories during rest or sleep, it may be caused by certain factors. What cannot be changed, namely genetic congenital. Because genes cannot be changed, you can focus on improving certain habits that support the optimal work metabolism. Apart from exercising more, you can fix things that slow down the following body metabolism.
Getting good quantity and sleep quality can help your metabolism stay stable. When you are sleepless or stay up late every night, the body will find it harder to use energy properly. This can make diabetes and obesity more likely. Launching WebMD, Thursday, September 28, most adults need to sleep between 7-9 hours.
Choosing the right way to lose weight, that's important. Don't let a strict diet that doesn't eat enough because it makes metabolism work slowly. A strict diet while you are also exercising, teaches the body to be satisfied with a few calories. This can be a boomerang because the body relies on the calories so that it makes it more difficult to lose weight. What needs to be done, keep the weight loss plan realisticly, not drastic.
Sea salt paves all food. You can find salt in every dish. But the lack of iodine is also bad for metabolism regulated by the thyroid. So just cut the sodium salt but don't spend it. Or you can enjoy foods rich in iodine, such as shrimp.
Without drinking enough water or fluid, metabolism will stop. Several studies show that drinking cold water or room temperature helps the body burn energy and encourages weight loss. At any temperature, water also helps you to be full, so you eat less. In addition to drinking enough, you can also consume more foods that are naturally rich in water such as watermelons or cucumbers.
Calcium is needed by the body not only for bones. But it is also the main nutrient for fast metabolism. Many people do not get calcium according to the daily needs of the body, so you can add calcium by drinking milk or consuming orange juice, soy or almond milk, canned salmon, potatoes, kale, and tofu.
Of course reducing unhealthy carbohydrates can help you adjust weight and burn fat faster. But your body needs carbos to make insulin. Consumption of low-carb foods at all times to produce fewer important hormones because metabolism will stop if you don't burn calories as much as before. The healthier alternative, get carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and seeds rich in nutrients, such as sweet potatoes and whole wheat flour.
When are you eating time as important as what you eat. Eating or eating while traveling creates a metabolic lag jet. This means that shifting meal times can damage metabolism and increase the risk of heart disease. So, consider eating time regularly and obey the schedule.
When you are in a stressful situation, your body produces cortisols. These hormones function to boost energy quickly. But if you are trapped in a stress zone, your body thinks you still need to fight so you continue to produce cortisols. Well, the high level of this hormone makes it more difficult for you to use insulin to put a brake on metabolism and trigger weight gain.
Eating lots of fatty foods such as oily burgers and tensiond foods is not a healthy idea. This changes the way the body breaks food and nutrients. In this condition, the body's ability to use insulin is also affected, or has the potential to experience insulin resistance and is associated with obesity and diabetes.
Those are nine things that cause metabolism to slow down. Most precisely, you need to run a healthy lifestyle so that metabolism is as it should without causing more health problems.