Polda Kaltara Holds Case Of Death Of Regional Police Chief Guard, Opens CCTV Record Results
TANJUNG CELLOR North Kalimantan Police (Kaltara) conducted a case to uncover the case of the death of the personal guard (walpri) of the Kaltara Police Chief, Brigadier SH.
The Head of Public Relations of the North Kalimantan Police, Kombes Budi Rachmat, said that from the results of the case title in the Kaltara Police Chief Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya, it was revealed that the moments of the bullet projectile came out of the victim's room on the day of the incident.
This condition can be seen on one of the CCTV footage.
"There are two CCTV footage points at the location around the official residence of the Kaltara Police Chief, namely CCTV at the front and CCTV on the side. The footage (CCTV) on the side shows bullet projectiles when they burst. It was recorded at 12 past 39 minutes 38 seconds. CCTV footage is different in time from real hours," said Budi, Monday, September 25.
Meanwhile, the front CCTV shows the victim's activity on the day of the incident, Friday (23/9) before Brigadier SH is found dead.
"The victim was monitored by CCTV when he entered the walpri room. In the CCTV footage, one guard was also seen visiting the victim's room to borrow sandals, and it was seen that the victim was still responding from the room. The entire incident was on Friday (23/9/2023) and then monitored on CCTV, he entered and went in and out of Walpri's room," he said.
Budi explained, from the CCTV footage, it was seen that Brigadier SH was in the room alone without anyone else.
"The access from the front is very visible, so there is no one, only the deceased himself in the room if according to CCTV footage," he said.
Kombes Budi Rachmat also said that Brigadier SH, who died covered in blood in his room, was first found by the witness with the initials K. At that time K planned to summon Brigadier SH to invite him to eat.
"So the first to find it was colleagues in the walpri community itself. So from the duration of CCTV footage at 12 past 39 minutes 38 seconds matched with witness K, he (the witness with the initials K) took a photo of the food he was cooking, the time (time) appeared in the photo to be sent to the victim. the photo was not sent and the witness came directly to the victim's room to call to invite him to eat and the witness was shocked after seeing the victim was covered in blood," he explained.
Then a team from Biddokes Polda Kaltara who arrived at the scene on the day of the incident found Brigadier SH was already in a lifeless condition in a supine position on the bed. Meanwhile, near the body of Brigpol SH, there was one HS-9 firearm of his own.
"Biddokes has tried to make rescue efforts, seen from the physical heart rate in the hands there was no heart rate, then in the neck, there was also no eye pupils, so it was concluded that the victim died. Then the team from Ditreskrimum and Bidpropam conducted a crime scene investigation," said Kombes Budi Rachmat.
In addition, there was no explosion of firearms in the area of the incident. From the results of the examination, the witness also did not hear any firearm eruptions.
At the crime scene the weapon was wrapped, so no one heard the explosion. There are only CCTV footage showing projectiles coming out of the window," he explained.
Until now the police have not found the bullet projectile that erupted from the rifle belonging to Brigadier SH. In the CCTV footage, it can be seen that the bullet projectile penetrated from the window and was thrown upward.
"For the bullet projectiles until the secang has not been found, because they were fired from inside the room through the window to the top," he explained.
Budi emphasized that regarding the SOP, cleaning firearms does not have a certain time to clean firearms. However, it depends on the owner of the gun himself.
"Cleaning (guns) is okay at any time, and they are trained, they already know how to clean weapons, they are trained and can do it, especially these are trained people from Brimob. But even trained people are tired, he could be negligent," he continued.
Until now, the police are still concluding the cause of Brigadier SH's death due to negligence while cleaning firearms. However, his party is still waiting for the results of the Forensic team's examination.
A team from Bidpropam, Ditreskrimum Polda Kaltara has examined as many as 14 witnesses.
"So until now there has been no criminal act, but this is still a long process, the investigation process can still develop. There is also evidence that has not been examined in the Forensic Laboratory, that is what we are waiting for," he concluded.