Kendari Police Seize 640 Grams Of Shabu From Prison Network Dealers

KENDARI - Kendari Police, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) confiscated 640 grams of methamphetamine, which is evidence of the arrest of a network of shabu dealers from the Correctional Institution (Lapas) network.

Kasat Resnarkoba Kendari Police AKP Bahri said the kindergarten perpetrator was arrested in Lorong Galaxy, Jalan Patimura, Puuwatu Training Center, Puawatu District.

The arrests were based on information from the public who reported at the crime scene (TKP) which was often used as a place for illicit trafficking of methamphetamine.

"After we investigated, it turned out to be true and we managed to secure the perpetrators," said Bahri, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, September 23.

During the arrest, the evidence of the methamphetamine was stored in the perpetrator's motorbike seat.

"Furthermore, the perpetrators and the evidence were immediately taken to the Kendari Police for further investigation," he said.

During the arrest, the police arrested two people. However, after an examination, the one person was not proven to have anything to do with the illicit trafficking of methamphetamine.

"We had secured two people, but after we investigated, it turned out that one had nothing to do with it," he explained.

From the perpetrator's statement, he continued, TK admitted that he had received the methamphetamine from someone with the initials AG from Kendari Prison twice.

"From the perpetrator's statement, he has twice received a patch from someone with the initials AG, whose information is from the prison," he said.