15-year-old Boy Shouts Painful When His Cock Is Stuck In A Pants Short, Firefighters

TANGERANG South Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) member rescued a 15-year-old boy when his genitals were pinched with a pantske.

South Jakarta Gulkarmat Picket Officer, Sukur Suwono confirmed the incident. The incident occurred at MR's house (15) on Jalan Mujair, Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, Tuesday, September 19, at 03.00 WIB.

The incident began when MR was sleeping at his house, trying to tidy up his pants. However, accidentally his genitals were pinched.

"Then stuck in his genitals. The victim and his parents came to the Pasar Minggu Sector and followed up," said Sukur in his statement, Tuesday, September 19.

Based on the report, Sukur said his party used a small cut tang. As a result, it only takes 10 minutes for the zipper to be removed.

"We take off one by one, so that the victim's genitals can be released," he said.