7 Indoor Plants that are Suitable for Apartment

JAKARTA - Smart apartment residents know that not just any ornamental plant can thrive in their home. Apartment plants need to be hardy enough to survive low light and humidity.

Don't worry, these seven ornamental plants can brighten up your apartment, help purify the air, release humidity, and can even inspire your home decor.


This white flower is not only beautiful to look at but easy to care for. You can even place this beautiful plant indoors because the nature of this lily flower is that it likes humid places and minimal sunlight.

Apart from that, as reported by The Spruce, Tuesday, September 19, the advantage of lilies is that they can improve air quality with the ability to neutralize toxic gases. Therefore, this flower is very suitable for those of you who want to place this flower inside or outside the apartment.

English Ivy

This ornamental plant is a climbing plant which is usually used as a hanging ornamental plant. Its unique leaves make this vine suitable for placement in an apartment. You can place this plant on the balcony of your apartment so that it will provide beauty to the outside of the apartment from the growth of this plant.

Even though it can be placed in an apartment, English ivy can grow longer and you have to be diligent in cutting it otherwise this plant will disturb the surrounding yard.


Philodendron is an ornamental plant that many apartment residents choose. With large, heart-shaped green leaves hanging down long, you can place it on a table or in a hanging pot. Philodendron is very suitable for busy apartment dwellers because this plant only requires watering once a week and is safe if not exposed to indirect light.


Sansevieria can be placed anywhere because this plant is easy to care for. You can place it inside or outside the apartment residence. However, most people often place Sansevieria indoors because this plant is very suitable for complementing the corners of your room.

Sansevieria is also a plant that has various benefits, such as absorbing carbon dioxide which is not good for humans to breathe. So by placing this plant around your house, this plant can absorb air that is not good for the body and provide healthier air circulation.


Cactus plants are one of the most flexible and easy to care for. You can even water the plants once a week because they don't need too much water. Cacti can certainly be a suitable choice as part of the decoration in your apartment residence because they are easy to plant and will also beautify your apartment residence.

Spider Plants

Spider plants have the function of purifying the air in the house. According to psychologists, this ornamental plant, which is very easy to grow, can help regulate good emotions and maintain your mood if displayed on your work desk.

What's even better is that spider plants are also included as indoor ornamental plants that are safe for cats and dogs. This plant is tolerant of various light, humidity, and soil conditions so caring for it is quite easy.

Jade Plant

The jade plant is often considered a money plant because its leaves are round, resembling coins. There is a belief that whoever keeps a jade plant in the house, good fortune will always flow.

This lucky plant needs lots of sunlight but not too much watering. In addition, the color of the leaves can indicate indoor air quality, green means healthy and yellow means less healthy.